Almost made it out the door…

Twenty years ago today I almost escaped…if it wasn’t for those darn groomsmen, I would have had a much different life.

What a lot of people don’t know is that I got married three months after I had gotten laid off from my 9+ year job. Both Elizabeth and I had saved enough money to pay off our wedding but didn’t have enough for our Honeymoon.

No matter, we were going to be married in the same church Elizabeth’s family still attends mass to this day. It’s even the church that my kids go to and even attend school on the same campus – Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church.

I have many fond memories of my wedding day, me in the room behind the alter trying to tap dance and dispel my nerves. Even my best man, Al Puente tried to diffuse my state by dangling the keys to the limo and saying, “C’mon…we can slip out…no one will know…” Although he had an evil smirk on his face, his wink showed he was kidding.

Soon the music started and we moved out to stand by the alter. I silently whispered to myself not to lock my knees for fear I would faint…and almost did when I gazed upon my beautiful bride, as she was lead down the church aisle by her proud father. No longer nervous, I couldn’t stop smiling as I reached out to take her hand and lead her to the beginning of our life together.

During the ceremony as we (Groom, Bride, Best Man and Maid of Honor) kneeled before Father Jack, he asked for the marriage license. As Al began to pull it out of his coat, Father Jack stepped closer to me, covered his lapel mic and said softly,

“Last…chance…”and smiled.

But the biggest surprise was at our reception. During the Dollar Dance both Elizabeth and I found out that my family, my new family and all of our friends pitched in to send us to Las Vegas for our Honeymoon!

It was a magnificent day indeed.

I eventually found a job after the “end of the honeymoon” and it has led me to a successful path that I still try to follow. But could not have done this without Elizabeth at my side.

If I ever I stray from my path, become fearful, self doubt or lose my nerve…I instinctively reach out and find the hand of my beloved. Her touch fills me with with direction, determination, strength and love.

Elizabeth, these 20 years have flown by and as the saying goes, – “Time flies when you’re having fun.” I look forward to as many more years with you as the good Lord see fit to have me at your side.

With all the love that I possess … I remain yours, the knight of your heart.


PS – It’s pictures like the one at the top of my post that makes Elizabeth’s eyes roll and smile. Plus, the woman can still make me flinch too.

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