Annie “Emmy” Oakley

My daughter has another school project due for school in the next couple of weeks. She had to research a famous American figure.

She chose Annie Oakley.

My wife helped her with the research then got to work and created her costume! What a fantastic job she did! My daughter is to wear the costume to school during the presentation of the character.

She is also having to create a poster as well. That was my opening…

Since it’s from the old west, my wife had a great idea. Let’s take some pictures of her and I would “age” the pictures using Photoshop.

Of course, Daddy has (wants) to get involved.

So this past Saturday afternoon, she got dressed up, we grabbed “…my oiled blue steel beauty…” BB Gun rifle I keep in the backyard to ward off those pesky squirrels that taunt Max and we began to take some snaps against the back fence.

I really like the fence back drop.

You can click on the photos for a larger view.

Before the photo shoot, we went online and showed her photos of the old West and told her, “You know, back then they didn’t smile so you have to be serious.”

That is why she has that determined look in her eyes. She did great during the photo shoot.

We were quite pleased with the photos and I even got in the shot – bad pun if you see the photo below.

I downloaded the images, blew out the highlights, added a sepia look and darkened the edges for that “old Western look.”

We are quite happy with the results.

Now its up to her to come up with a poster for her presentation.

My wife had me load the photos to her thumb-drive and they went to Kinkos/FedEx and printed out the pictures on darker paper so she can cut them out and place them on a poster board.

To age the poster board, my wife got some tea bags (after she made tea — that woman doesn’t waste anything!) and they used the tea bags to “brown/age” the poster board. It looks really cool.

Thanks for letting share.


2 thoughts on “Annie “Emmy” Oakley

  1. How totally cool!

    You all did a great job making the look.

    Please tell Emma that I am very impressed with the her choice and creativity.

    She looks authentic.

  2. I love these! I want a copy of that last one, the one of her pointing to the sky.

    Hey. And whatever happened to “School Project” meaning going to the store (the night before it’s due, of course)and getting a poster board and then opening up the encyclopedia, y ya?

    I know. I’m dating myself.

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