My son started baseball this week. So I put together a schedule from one of the pictures I took yesterday while we were in Fredericksburg TX.
Yes…Fredericksburg TX!
We have a school in our district (San Antonio) that is located in Fredericksburg TX so we drove over yesterday for a game at 4:30pm. We hooked up with another parent driving over so that was good.
The boys lost 5-6 in the last inning. They were up but just lost their bats at the end. The season is still early.
I’m posting this here so my family can see his game schedule. You can click on it for a larger view. I used a picture of my boy wearing his shades and “looking cool.”
Oh, and he has a tournament tonight as well. Gosh, it seems like we just finished Basketball and now Baseball is starting…including my daughter Emma’s team! She’s starting up too.
Gotta do a schedule for her as well!
Here we go…