Bulldog Football Begins

My son’s team, Blessed Sacrament Catholic school has begun their football season with a bang! I’m filming the games (see me in the back ground?) with my new camera, shoulder mount and varizoom control. My boy is in the center of the picture busting through the line on defense.

Cool picture eh? My wife was taking the pictures from the stands since I’m shooting video instead.

We had a good game. We beat St. Lukes 25-21. It was an exciting game to win.

A number of parents saw me on the sidelines filming and asked if I could post some “Highlights” from the game. I’m not planning on doing this for every game but one father in particular (Mike) missed some key plays that his son made as QB. His wife (and QB’s mother) was out of town so she was not able to be at the game. So…Mike, if this gets you out of the dog house, I’m glad to help. Just kidding Mike, some of the boys wanted to see those great plays as well.

You can view the short clip below and everyone please keep in mind I would love to put in more plays of their sons, but I just can’t place two hours of footage on my site. So the plays that made the reel are only there because our guys had BLOCKERS which allowed them to score.

A video used to be embedded here but the service that it was hosted on has shut down.

Now…next on my list. I have to convert the “game film” another wonderful father shot for the coach. Then I have to build my son’s webpage since he was cleared to play. Finish up a slideshow for my son’s Boy Scout troop by this Tues. Oh…and let’s not forget the Blessed Sacrament Catholic School Football program me and another two fathers are putting together as well.

“Calgon…take me away.”


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