I love PVC


It’s not just for water – it’s for just about anything…if you’re creative. Just like my logo above – cool huh? I like it.

If I’ve got to build something – the 2nd thing I do AFTER I put my hand on my chin, is think,

“How I can do this with PVC?”

Then I’ll go to the big DIY Builder shops and wander over to the PVC isle and just stand there,  marveling at the many sizes, connectors for building items. If I get stumped then I just hop on the internet and you can find tons of ideas from other folks on how to build what you want – all out of this product.  It’s light, strong and easy to work with.

Here are just a couple of things I’ve built:
•    Mini Fig Rig to hold my camcorder
•    Larger Fig Rig to hold a bigger camera
•    A frame to hold up a Green screen
•    Water Bottle Rocket project with/for my son
•    A Bicycle repair stand
•    And soon…another camera accessory

fiddlestixI guess for me it’s like being a child again. I used to have Fiddlestix (click on the picture to the right). You remember those don’t you? They had a round wheels with holes drilled in them and you’d poke round wooden dowels into the holes to create ANYTHING.

As a kid, I would spent countless hours assembling some sort of contraption and now I’m doing it as an adult. Only this time I have be careful I don’t cut myself or hallucinate  since I’m using that PVC glue. There’s a reason they warn, “Use in a well ventilated area.” Yeah…please do.

So  yes, I love the stuff and there’s a bucket of them on my work bench just waiting for me to dive into them and begin building.


Bucket of PVC

2 thoughts on “I love PVC

  1. Hey Gil – Great looking logo. Looks futuristic in a way, or something form Dreamworks studio. I like it too and look forward to seeing more creations from you using PVC. – Great Job!

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