Sorry I didn’t post yesterday, had so much to do AND we did more today!
Today was a very busy day. I knew we’d have to get up early since I had a haircut and yesterday was spent doing some research on a 2nd monitor.
After we dropped off Emmy with her Aunt Julie (for a softball game) Joaquin and I went electronic shopping. It took most of the morning but we had to be at the school baseball field by 2pm for his practice. I then got my monitor but still working the kinks out.
Thursday was an even busier day. We got up around 8am then had some breakfast and made my 9:30am haircut appointment. We then swung by my work to pick up a foam cutting tool so I could take it to my sister who really does alot of craft work at her business,
But, on the way we stopped off at the ATT store since somehow my son managed to lockup his new phone. 20mins later we on the road to my sister’s store in Helotes. You can click on the pictures for larger view.
After an hour of showing her the great tool (she’s gonna get one) and some costume dress auditions by my kids, we were off to see my Mom or Nana.
We got there and my Mom was outside cleaning up so we pitched in. I took the pictures. 🙂 My Mom loves seeing the kiddos and we hung out for about an hour then I rewarded my kids by taking them to SMASH BURGERS.
Good stuff. Joaquin and Emmy loved the burgers – so did I!
We got home around 2pm and while I labored away in the study still messing with my new iMac, Joaquin and Emmy practiced softball pitching in the backyard. Around 3:30pm we headed off to take Emmy to her 2nd softball practice of the week. Joaquin practices tomorrow.
Then around 6pm I took off to go help my bud move some stuff into his new downtown apartment. Way cool. I’m so excited for him.
Tomorrow we have to go help move a sofa out of my father-in-laws condo (god rest his sole) into Liz’s niece’s apartment. Then at 2pm, Joaquin goes to his last baseball practice.
I’m gonna do some serious cleaning in my study and finally get my setup the way I want it.
Hopefully I’ll get to set up Joaquin’s iMac over the weekend and finish out my list – it was rather quite ambitious.
That’s it for now. More tomorrow.