Remember how I like to build stuff out of PVC? Well, I had me another project to complete. See, I went ahead and purchased myself a new camera. I’m going to be using it to film a lot of my son’s sports and other school activities.
Since my wife said I could purchase it now – I will be able to use it on the 48hr film project I’m involved this August. But I noticed it’s a bit heavier than my little Panasonic PV-GS300 MiniDV camcorder. You’d never know it but 2 extra pounds on your shoulders sure does make a difference.
So I thought to myself, how can I mount this camera on my shoulder? There are plenty of professional shoulder mounts out there to buy but at a minimum they cost around $60.
Well…you know me and PVC right? Here’s what I came up with for only about $12.
My buddy Fernando came over one Saturday and I used him as a mannequin so I could measure out how to fit the camera on the shoulder mount…without dropping it. Check out the pictures below. Just click on the photos and you’ll get a nice big preview.