The things kids create…

I know you all have seen my daughter’s creations but my son brought something home the other day that one of his buddies built.

Wow…like they say, even if you don’t buy them guns…they’ll build something to resemble them. So of course I couldn’t just take a picture, I had to whip out my D7000, set it to video and then put it on my buddy’s (Fernando) slider to “get the video shot.”

As I stated, I don’t condone the use but I appreciate the creativity.


PS – reminds when Joaquin was about 4 and Liz swore she’d never get him “guns to play with.”  Then Grandma Castillo got him a red cowboy hat and six shooters. The look on both Liz and Joaquin’s faces was priceless.

This was Joaquin back in 1999 just as he got his “guns.”


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