Unboxing item one…

A couple of boxes arrived yesterday — now to un-box them!

I had ordered some items on Amazon.com the other day. Most of them are in preparation for a video shoot me and my buddies will be doing soon.

Since we’ll be shooting a somewhat dark scene with the focus on the singer (oops) I thought it would be best to purchase a dedicated spotlight.

I had seen this spot light reviewed and featured on this wonderful blog that I had come across awhile back — cheesycam.com.

Don’t let the website name fool you, this guy Emm, is a dedicated/professional videographer and photographer that uses his DSLR as a video camera. He uses professional equipment but he explores alternative inexpensive or DIY equipment for us modest/amateur shooters.

But be warned…it’s expensive to follow his blog, you start buying stuff! 🙂

He offers a wealth of knowledge on items he finds then reviews. His advice lead me to purchase this spotlight — you can click on it for a larger view.

It’s a halogen which means it runs much hotter than my CFL (Fluorescent) lighting kit I have but it also adds some “warmth” to any scene since it’s a different color temperature.

It only came with the spotlight “head” but I have a couple of extra light stands so I mounted it on one. When I turned it on, this 800 watt baby was bright!

Aside from the barndoors, it also has a focus knob on the back along with a dimmer. I can use that and barn-doors to direct the light plus the dimmer will help control light intensity.

Something tells me that this light might be “over-kill” on our music video (again I’ve said too much) but I will have many other uses for it on future shoots.

Wasn’t too expensive — only about $70. You can find it here – Amazon.com Fancier Studio Focusable Barndoor lighting kit.

The first of my Father’s day gifts. I have others that I’ll post later.


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