Testing out the GoPro on some Volleyball players

003-G-Facing_CameraMost of you know that I’m a bit of a videographer.

This is “probably” my last year filming all of the sports for Blessed Sacrament Catholic School sports banquet since my daughter Emmy, will be graduating from 8th grade this year and going to high school.

“High school?! Really?!”

So I wanted to try something new. I got my trusty GoPro Hero 2 camera out and used the head mount to put it on the players while they were warming up. There is no way coaches or refs would let them wear it during game play but my job as a videographer is to get “a different perspective” when filming. So I’m trying this POV (Point of View). That’s my big ‘ol mug up there adjusting the camera while it’s on a player.

Pretty interesting. I posted some quick examples below.

Plus here are some pictures pulled from the video – click on the images for a larger view.




Just amazes me how these players have to deal with lights and stuff.

Anyways, just trying to “mix it up” for next year’s Blessed Sacrament Catholic School Sports Banquet.

Oh yeah…its not until May of 2014. Sigh.




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