Elizabeth and I went down to the Pearl Brewery this past Saturday to hear the Mariachis. I took my Sony A6500 and shot some film. Enjoy the video below. Gilberto
My girl Emmy wants to record her friend singing to a song while importing into Garageband. She ask if I had a mic. “She wounds me…” So after gathering the mic I told her we should build a Voice Recording Booth to get the best sound. So we did some […]
Busted out the record player, much to the heavy sighs of our kids. “They should be thankful they didn’t see us dancing.” We had purchased some records from Hog Wild but with such great weather, Elizabeth started the weekend right with Joe King Carrasco! Of course I had to film it […]
Been a fun day. Got to help shoot a music video for a band called, Redd Loves Blue. Fernando has asked Mike and I if we would help shoot a music video for a band this Saturday. We of course said, “yes.” We arrived at the location around 10am (was […]
Remember over the 4th of July, me and my buddies were creating a performance video? Well, we did it, posted it online and we are happy. Now I thought I would post a short “behind the scenes” video of how we accomplished the look of the performance video. The NiceworkMedia […]
Wow…1982. I’m dating myself. But it is a cool video. Missing Persons – yeah baby. ***Update 5.21 – this sucks – they won’t let me embed the video into my blog so you’ll get a message in youtube video to see it on youtube – but it does provide a […]
I was visiting a web site about photography and photoshop and the author posted this video. I must say, it had me smiling at the end. Clever mash-up mix of Sandman and Don’t stop believing. “Don’t Stop the Sandman.” The name of the band is Rock Sugar. Check out the […]
This was one of the first weekends in a long time that our family did not have to do much in the way of sports. So thanks to the missionsunknown website – my son and I decided to hit the local comic book convention event at the Live Oak center. […]